february 9, 2025
We hope our students thoroughly enjoyed Friday's dance. They were vibrating with excitement all day on Friday!
This Thursday, February 13th students will head to the UEC. They will spend most of the time outside on a hike titled: It's All Connected. Please help your student dress for the weather conditions of that day. We always look forward to our UEC trips; students will get to experience learning in the natural world linked to what they are learning in science, led by kind, passionate, and thoughtful UEC educators. Students in the north group will attend from 9-11:30 and those in the south group will attend from 12:30-3.
Reminder: families of 6th graders, you received a Course Selection sheet from Shorewood Intermediate School (SIS) through an Infinite Campus email. If your student will continue on to SIS next year, you need to fill out this form. Course selection sounds a bit more grandiose than it really is. All 7th graders will take maths, ELA, social studies, science, art alternating with Project Lead the Way, and PE. Your student's choices include what World Language they want to take (Spanish or French) and what music class they will take (band, orchestra or choir). Thank you for filling this form out ASAP. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Ensuring the safety and security of those within our buildings. When arriving at Lake Bluff (or any of our district schools) starting on Monday, January 27th you will need photo ID to move into the building, for any reason. You received this communication from Dr. Burgos through Infinite Campus a few weeks ago. Your understanding and acceptance of this new procedure will help ensure the safety of everyone within our buildings. In light of the goals of our new administration around removing those who are undocumented, Dr. Burgos shared this communication with families and staff on Sunday, January 26th.
Conferences are just around the corner, on Thursday March 13th and Friday, March 14th. These are student led conferences; all of our students will spend hours preparing. For those who may travel over this weekend, we thank you in advance for remaining in town until after your student has presented. We'll post a sign-up for our families next week.
This Thursday, February 13th students will head to the UEC. They will spend most of the time outside on a hike titled: It's All Connected. Please help your student dress for the weather conditions of that day. We always look forward to our UEC trips; students will get to experience learning in the natural world linked to what they are learning in science, led by kind, passionate, and thoughtful UEC educators. Students in the north group will attend from 9-11:30 and those in the south group will attend from 12:30-3.
Reminder: families of 6th graders, you received a Course Selection sheet from Shorewood Intermediate School (SIS) through an Infinite Campus email. If your student will continue on to SIS next year, you need to fill out this form. Course selection sounds a bit more grandiose than it really is. All 7th graders will take maths, ELA, social studies, science, art alternating with Project Lead the Way, and PE. Your student's choices include what World Language they want to take (Spanish or French) and what music class they will take (band, orchestra or choir). Thank you for filling this form out ASAP. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Ensuring the safety and security of those within our buildings. When arriving at Lake Bluff (or any of our district schools) starting on Monday, January 27th you will need photo ID to move into the building, for any reason. You received this communication from Dr. Burgos through Infinite Campus a few weeks ago. Your understanding and acceptance of this new procedure will help ensure the safety of everyone within our buildings. In light of the goals of our new administration around removing those who are undocumented, Dr. Burgos shared this communication with families and staff on Sunday, January 26th.
Conferences are just around the corner, on Thursday March 13th and Friday, March 14th. These are student led conferences; all of our students will spend hours preparing. For those who may travel over this weekend, we thank you in advance for remaining in town until after your student has presented. We'll post a sign-up for our families next week.
Tuesday, February 11 || Milwaukee Peace Learning Center Booster Session #2
Thursday, February 13 || Field trip to the UEC (north from 9-11:30, south from 12:30-3)
Monday, February 17 || No school for students, PD for teachers
Friday, February 28 || No school for students, teachers begin working on trimester 2 report cards
Thursday, February 13 || Field trip to the UEC (north from 9-11:30, south from 12:30-3)
Monday, February 17 || No school for students, PD for teachers
Friday, February 28 || No school for students, teachers begin working on trimester 2 report cards
Orchestra and BandLesson schedules for Band can be found on the Band Lesson page. Here is the permission slip for the upcoming JAM-boree all band students need to participate.
Lesson schedules for Orchestra can be found on the Orchestra Lesson Schedule page. Students will have their lesson on the same day each week but the time will shift to ensure they don't miss the same 30 minutes each week. Please help your student remember to bring their instrument and music on their lesson day. For many, it's an upsetting way to start their day when they realize they forgot their instrument and/or music. Thank you in advance! Homework and the content pagePlease see our Content Page for specific updates related to students' learning.
Lake Bluff ExpectationsThis slide deck was created by Ms. French (principal) and Mrs. Benedict (dean). We shared it with our students so they know what's expected and can hold themselves and others responsible for their actions.
Students with Smart Watches were keenly interested in slide 6. We will thank you in advance for helping your student shift their watch to "school mode" and not contacting them during the school day. |
Dress for the weatherFYI: Sledding will not be permitted during the school day. It presents a liability issue the district cannot take on. When we shared this with our students prior to break they were disappointed AND came up with a list of 20 other things they can do in the snow.
Sledding will be permitted outside the school day. Students will go outside in all types of weather (except heavy rain/sleet/hail) and temperatures above 0°. It is a school rule that when the temperature dips below 32° they must wear a jacket. Hopefully, we'll have snow soon. Students are always eager to play in it when it arrives. In order to do so, they MUST wear boots and snow pants and of course, a hat, gloves/mittens and a jacket. No boots means they will be restricted to staying on the blacktop only. Returning assessmentsAcross content areas, we are actively teaching new content AND how to prepare for and show/share what they know. Please remind your student that no score ever is a reflection of who they are or what they are capable of. Assessments are check-ins, opportunities to try new/different ways to prepare (including filling out and using the review packet to study with an adult at home).
We share this information with them and can tell when adults at home do too. What they are learning is just as important as how they are working towards proficiency and mastery. District Resources |
You can access the Beagle Bulletin here - through the Shorewood School District/Lake Bluff School home page.
We have three room parents: Sarah A (Zach's mom), Ellie B (Edin's mom), and Kathleen D. (Becca's mom).
If you'd like to chaperone a field trip or plan to be in our school during the school day, you MUST fill out the school district's volunteer/background check form. You can access that here.
School lunch is available or families can choose to send their child to school with a lunch from home. Here is the February menu. Additionally, here is information about accessing Free or Reduced meals for your student/s.
Your student has the benefit of coming into contact with many different, deeply committed and caring adults throughout their week. These adults include: Lauren Courter (Art), Dominic Newman (PE), Elizabeth Russell (Library Media Specialist), Liisa Church (General Music), Kim Hildebrand (Spanish), Kate Zachar (Special Education), Katie Dreyer (Aide), Lisa Menon (Aide), Catherine Harrison (Student Support Specialist), Rebecca Benedict (Dean of Students) and if your student plays a string instrument Julie Nolan (Orchestra) or if your student plays a band instrument Katherine Myszewski.
We have three room parents: Sarah A (Zach's mom), Ellie B (Edin's mom), and Kathleen D. (Becca's mom).
If you'd like to chaperone a field trip or plan to be in our school during the school day, you MUST fill out the school district's volunteer/background check form. You can access that here.
School lunch is available or families can choose to send their child to school with a lunch from home. Here is the February menu. Additionally, here is information about accessing Free or Reduced meals for your student/s.
Your student has the benefit of coming into contact with many different, deeply committed and caring adults throughout their week. These adults include: Lauren Courter (Art), Dominic Newman (PE), Elizabeth Russell (Library Media Specialist), Liisa Church (General Music), Kim Hildebrand (Spanish), Kate Zachar (Special Education), Katie Dreyer (Aide), Lisa Menon (Aide), Catherine Harrison (Student Support Specialist), Rebecca Benedict (Dean of Students) and if your student plays a string instrument Julie Nolan (Orchestra) or if your student plays a band instrument Katherine Myszewski.
This week's ScheduleIt's an "B" week.
MONDAY: TUESDAY: Peace Learning Center Booster #2 WEDNESDAY: 2:25 Dismissal THURSDAY: Field trip to the Urban Ecology Center (north group 9-11:30, south group 12:30-3) FRIDAY: |
SPECIALS Miller || NORTH GROUP• Monday - Library (B week), Community Crew
• Tuesday - Spanish, Music • Wednesday - Art • Thursday - PE, Music • Friday - PE, Spanish |
SPECIALS O'Malley || SOUTH GROUP• Monday - Library (A week), Community Crew
• Tuesday - Art • Wednesday - PE, Spanish • Thursday - Music, PE • Friday - Spanish, Music |
The Shorewood School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, creed, ancestry, pregnancy, marital or parental status, gender identity or expression, veteran status, physical, mental, emotional or learning disability, or any other legally protected status in its educational programs, activities, or employment with the District. The District also provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following designee handles inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Director of Human Resources, Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Officer, 1701 E. Capitol Drive, Shorewood, WI 53211, 414-961-2854, [email protected].