Our MAC 3 Oak classroom is made up of 38 total students. We are going to welcome one new 6th grader and two new 5th graders.
A bit more about materials
MASKS! Please be sure your student has a mask they find comfortable. Having an extra in their book bag would be a great idea, given they will be wearing it all day.
Students will sit in desks again this year to keep them socially distanced and safe. There will be some movement throughout the day though. Materials will be kept in their bin in the coatroom, rather than in the desks that they will use throughout the day.
We will limit the number of students in the coatroom. In there they will store their outerwear and school supplies in their own, assigned bin.
Bathrooms will be assigned to individual classrooms. Our North/South students have access to two single, gender-neutral spaces. We will be able to monitor when our bathrooms are free and when they are in use.
Daily supplies
ALL students will continue to need a CHARGED device each day.
Everyone will need to carry an independent reading book and their reading log between home and school each day.
Drinking fountains are not usable in our room or in the hallway. It's warm in our room, we encourage our students to bring in a full, reusable water bottle daily.
Arrival and Departure
MAC 3 Oak students gather in the back of school. MAC 2 Oak students will also line up and enter outside the back playground door.
Please continue to have your student arrive by 8:10 with their mask on. Ms. Snider and Mrs. Miller will pick students up outside to bring them in each day.
At the end of the day students will be dismissed from the same back doors at 3:25 pm. If your student has to pick up a friend or sibling, please help them identify an outside space to do so. We are expected to walk all students out of the building together at the end of the day.